(''The self taught man seldom knows anything accurately, and he does not know a tenth as much as he could have known if he had worked under teachers, and besides, he brags, and is the means of fooling other thoughtless people into going and doing as he himself has done.''
                                                                  - "Taming the Bicycle" )

During this lecture videos i came to know that to make design ,to be a designer solving the problem by designing we need to ingeminate by   4ways from gap to plan.those four ways are:

1.sense the gap
2.define the problem
3.explore the alternative
4.select a plan

to explore the alternative we should have use decomposition.we can make decomposition in 3 ways .those are:
1.divide into sub-problem
2.solve the sub-problem
3.integrated the solution
within this passage i explore alternative using decomposition...
one problem statement:we should have one articulated website to solve the problem and to quench our desire to know about designer and design
Primary user needs:

1.our site have video feature
2.our site have you tube channel
3.our site have video lecture by carl
4.our site have great designer and their work
5.our all content almost shareable
6.our videos have subtitle

decomposition by latent user  needs(not by function and user interaction)
our site should have video feature

(educational shit!i nearly apart myself from design.why it is needed to be systematize ,definite way to define... .and also for i know nothing about web.i certainly will learn at future.thats why i am redefining  my problem statement )

Redefine one problem statement:in what ways i might invigorate my knowledge about great designer and designing...

my 10 concept
1.using ibook aps and download some free books...
2.using flipboard aps and adding some designing website
3.using google search
4using paperbook about design
5.searching wiki  by design keywords
6.meeting with designer
7using you tube videos
8.download free-books from project Gutenberg
9buying some documentary film about designer
10.also i can use library as basic source

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    not to follow  ,follow me twitter@MrMoonlightMan


    May 2013

